Extra · Realm
Kenia Peralta
Extra-Realm exists somewhere between fact and fiction. It embraces the idea that to truly understand a context, one must perpetually toggle between the detail and the global view. This means interrogating one’s frame of reference to explore what escapes its borders. In post-trauma environments the cacophony of competing systems, voices and actions has the effect of rendering all knowledge, partial. To explore this, Extra-Realm problematizes the aerial photograph as an incomplete instrument of knowledge. Through the creation of plausible trajectories involving multiple actors during the response, recovery and reconstruction phase of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, this project attempts to stitch together discrete bodies of evidence into a new whole. In turn, the exploration spatializes the abundant information drawn from non-uniform resources, which describe the design and construction practices implemented in the years following the event, until now. The discourse generated from this abstraction aims to shed light on what happened, to suggest what could happen.